– Count me in! That’s all I said when a friend propose spending an afternoon in Venice. Well, half a day, to be precise. Yes, it was a a little tiring, as we were going by ship, but it was worth it. I mean, any moment spent in Venice is better than any moment spent anywhere else, right?! I was in Venice many times before but still find it very interesting. Like I’ve never been there before. Well, the truth is somewhere in the middle; my multiple times visits to Venice were always for a day. And that is not nearly enough for this magnificent city. I’m sure of that now. So the next time, I’m going for a couple of days because this city really deserves it. Until then, enough with the talk, I’ll let you enjoy the fairy tale through the photos. Ma come sei bella, Venezia…
All the photos were taken by me. Iphone 6s Plus. No photoshop, filters or any editing.
Thanks to Atlas for the trip. For more information, tickets and itinerary, please visit: www.atlas.hr
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